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Prime Labels

Creative Labeling May Influence Alcohol Buyers

How do people decide which beverages to buy? As the number of options continues to expand, brand loyalty may be less of a factor. A new study suggests that many customers enter liquor stores with open minds.

The survey, conducted by market research firm IRI, found that 40 percent of U.S. consumers who buy alcohol don’t decide what they want until they go into the store. In addition, of those remaining 60 percent who enter with a planned purchase, 21 percent end up changing their mind while they are there. Half of those who change their mind end up buying a completely different brand.

If you’ve been to a well-stocked liquor store recently, it’s easy to see why so many customers have trouble making up their mind. The rise of craft brewing and distilling has led to a massive uptick in the number of available brands.

There are countless varieties of beer, wine and spirits to choose from.

Every producer in this market needs to think about how much competition they face.

“When you consider how often most shoppers are going to the store, and that 21 percent of them change their minds during the shopping trip, you realize the impact that in-store signage, creative labeling and other marketing could have on your portfolio,” Robert Tomei, president of consumer and shopper marketing for IRI, said in a press release.

Alcoholic beverage makers cannot rely on brand loyalty alone. They also need to design attractive products that can catch the eyes of undecided shoppers.

Durafast offers a number of different printing solutions to help you develop the labels you need to stand out from the competition and appeal to your customer base. Contact us today for more information!

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