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Congress Debates Federal GMO Labeling Bill

Members of Congress are currently debating a bill that would effectively federalize GMO labeling regulations.

As we’ve mentioned before on this blog, polls show that a majority of Americans support efforts to require food manufacturers to label products containing genetically modified organisms. Growing public support for this idea has led to a number of state legislatures acting on the issue. Vermont has a law on the books that will start requiring GMO labeling later this year. In addition, both Connecticut and Maine have approved statues that will require labeling, as long as other states put similar rules into effect first.

It appears that GMO labeling requirements will continue to vary state-by-state.

Opposition to these laws has come from multiple fronts. There are scientists who argue that years of study have shown GMO ingredients to be safe for human consumption. Many members of the food and beverage industry object to what they see as costly mandates. And some federal lawmakers are opposed to a patchwork of labeling requirements that vary from state to state. 

In Washington, members of Congress are currently debating a bill that would effectively federalize GMO labeling regulations. If passed, the bill — introduced by Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS) — will prevent states from requiring GMO labeling and will require the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to create national labeling guidelines. One point of contention is whether these guidelines will be voluntary. Roberts and his allies support voluntary labeling, but many Democrats want to see stronger regulations and may withhold their support from the bill as currently written. It is not clear if such a bill could pass the Senate without those votes.

Unless something changes in Congress, it appears that GMO labeling requirements will continue to vary state-by-state. The best way to keep up with any changing rules and regulations is by investing in a printer for custom labels. At DuraFast, we carry a wide selection of printers and printing supplies to help your labels stand out for all the right reasons. Contact us today!

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