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Different Kinds of Credentials Make Security Easier

What kind of credentials are right for your next event?

Security at events and gatherings is absolutely essential. Whether your company is in charge of the venue or organizing the gathering, it benefits you to make the staff’s job as easy as possible. If security personnel can identify people with different levels of access on sight, they can more quickly and easily determine if everyone is in the right place. Making this everyday task easier gives more time to help give out directions and perform other duties, and leaves staff members more prepared to respond quickly if something goes wrong.

Different Kinds of Credential

If your event begins using an easily visible kind of credential – such as badges or wristbands – you’ve helped your security team. For gatherings with more complicated admissions policies, it could be valuable to take both paths, with printed badges for some people, such as VIPs and members of the press, and wristbands for those in general admission.

No matter what kind of ID system you decide on, you can take it in-house.

Each kind of system has its own pros and cons, and the ideal choice will depend on what your plans involve – how many people will attend, whether the event is short or spans several days, and so on. Fortunately, no matter what kind of ID system you decide on, you can take it in-house, using a credential printer to make identification on demand. This grants you more control and flexibility than you would have working with an outside provider ahead of time.

Wristbands: When you need a quick and easy way to determine whether someone has paid for admission, look no further than printed wristbands. Different colors and patterns can be used to determine what day of a multi-day event a ticket applies to, and a wristband is much easier for security staff to visually check than a ticket, which must be dug out of a pocket.

ID Badges: For a more permanent solution than a wristband, you can turn to ID badges. Hand these out to people who will be coming back to your venue or event multiple times, such as members of the press or artists performing at a show. When you have a high-quality credential printer, ID badges can contain well-reproduced photos, helping security staff determine at a glance whether the person carrying the ID is its rightful owner.

The Power Is Yours

When your event sells tickets at the gate or is still issuing special credentials close to its start, you’ll value the control and flexibility that come from operating your own credential printer instead of buying badges and wristbands from a third party. You can inspect a wide range of useful printers on DuraFast’s U.S. website or our Canadian Page.

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