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National Farm Safety and Health Week could be an occasion to review chemical rules

Farm safety can be applied to many different aspects and be encouraged by good agricultural chemical labels.

This year from September 15-21st, the country will celebrate National Farm Safety and Health Week, an annual initiative that looks at the ways farm workers in America can focus on safer practices that lead to a better functioning national food system.

As part of this better sense of awareness, companies that deal with the production of chemicals used in farming can start thinking about how agricultural chemical labels can play a role in this broader effort, based off of the pre-established message. This year, that message is “Working Together for Safety in Agriculture” according to a press release from the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety and the International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health.

That same release claims that the death rate for all kinds of agricultural labor was more than 3 percent, which may sound low, but is still reportedly the highest among other industries in the country. To this end, the chemical labels that companies produce can be designed with the intention of sharing among different kinds of workers, perhaps using different languages to bridge cultural barriers, for example, or making sure that the handlers have a full understanding of the potential danger in what they’re doing.

A best practices guide from the same organization contains, among other things, a description of the most desirable warning signs for chemical plants to use, noting that durable material and clear, legible printing (along with an image if possible) make for the best form of protection. 

While it might be a good idea to take this time to review your company’s policies, strong agricultural chemical labels should be a prerogative year-round.

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