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New prescription labels for reproductive health to take effect

The FDA has announced a new system for identifying considerations for reproductive health.

In the past, clinical considerations around reproductive health have been labeled thus: pregnancy (8.1), labor and delivery (8.2), nursing mothers (8.3). Following a revision by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), two of those categories will merge and a third will be added, starting June 30, 2015. 

The new categories will be represented like this:

For pharmaceutical providers, reflecting these changes in 2015 will help focus the industry less on the adverse effects of medicines on pregnant women, but on a range of medical considerations that can result from use of a particular drug. Staying abreast of FDA regulations and updating labels with the aid of an industrial label printer will ensure that patients and pharmacists are aware of risks and indications for prescriptions. 

Top-of-the-line printing technology allows companies to adapt to changing standards without missing a beat. The advantage of custom label printing is that it saves time and money, instead of spending resources paying third parties. 

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