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Prime Labels

Bad Package Design Can Be Dangerous

We all know bad package design can hurt sales. Labels that have not been developed with either the product or the customer in mind can do a poor job of conveying a coherent marketing message. they might not be eye-catching enough to prevent shoppers from looking elsewhere.

But in some cases, a well-designed package isn’t just about moving products. It can also help ensure consumer safety.

A well-designed package isn’t just about moving products.

For instance, consider the product Fabuloso. It’s a brightly colored liquid sold in clear plastic bottles with images of fruit and nature.

It may look like a soft drink to some, but it’s actually a household cleaner – one that 94 people accidently ingested in 2006, according to data from the Texas Poison Center Network.

This is far from the only example. There’s also Tonix, a floor cleaner whose name and packaging suggests a lightly carbonated fruit drink. In addition, a recent article on ProPublica cited cans of insect repellant or furniture polish that closely resemble cooking spray.

The news source argues that user experience design is an important – and often overlooked – area for companies that make a wide range of both edible and non-edible products. You aren’t just making your goods more attractive for sale – you’re also ensuring that buyers will know exactly what they are getting at a glance.

Looking to redesign your product packaging? Your business needs a quality label printer. Durafast offers printing solutions that help you produce exactly what you are looking for. Contact us today!

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